Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Training opportunities post surgery

A great opportunity presents itself after mastectomy: literally learning the lifts from the ground up.
First I can pay attention on improving the squatting positions and hip flexibility without distraction by more complex movements. Next the pulls (1st and 2nd) are added, and doing these movements incorrectly can immediately be felt in the upper body (stitches...). Lastly the overhead movements are added, and then everything can be put together.
Since the ego won't get in the way of adding weights to the bar too soon, perfection of technique is the primary focus at this time. It is a thrill to make the movements smooth and then fast and faster. Effortless effort.

It is a blessing to have experienced weightlifters cast a critical eye on the execution of the exercises and generously give feedback and tips for improvement.
with Fred Lowe

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