Exercises 3 to 6 weeks post surgery

Postop Start

Shoulder stretches
Continue from week 1
Restorative yoga (supported back bend, legs up the wall, supported twists)
Continue from week 1
Rope wall yoga (shoulder + back stretches, downward dog), hold <1 min
After 3rd  week postop


Pilates lower body on foam roller
Continue from week 1
Squats against wall with foam roller
Continue from week 2

Push-up against wall
After 4th   week postop
Row on rope wall
After 4th   week postop
Pilates side lying exercises
After 4th   week postop
Push-up on exercise ball
After 5th week


Stationary bike moderate intensity
After 1st  week postop
Stationary bike high intensity speed
After 2nd  week postop
Rowing (mostly legs and abs, <10% effort due to arm), resistance level 2-3 on Concept2 rower, 28-32m/s, 10 min
After 3rd  week postop
After 5th week


Back squats, fronts squats to 70% max
3rd week postop/increase from week 2
Good mornings 45kg (regular is 35kg )
3rd week postop/increase from week 2
Arm exercises, supine position, 8 lbs, then increase to10 lbs free weights
After 2nd  week postop
Isolated leg muscle (abductor, adductor, leg press, knee extension machines)
After 2nd  week postop
GHD hip extensions *
After 3rd  week postop
Overhead squats with PVC pipe
After 3rd  week postop
Pulls (1st and 2nd pull), barbell 15-25-35kg progression
After 3rd  week postop
Olympic lifts (slow) with PVC pipe
End of 4th week postop
Back squats up to 81%
End of 4th week postop
Front squats up to 83%
After 4th   week postop
Deadlifts 35kg
After 4th   week postop
Box jumps 10, low then high
After 4th   week postop
Arm exercises standing: chest press, rowing, 10lbs weight
After 4th   week postop
Strict press 15 kg
End of 5th week
Pulls (clean grip and snatch grip) 15 kg
End of 5th week
Clean, push jerk, split jerk 15 kg
End of 5th week
Snatch 15 kg
After 5th week
Overhead squats 15 kg
After 5th week
Clean & jerk; snatch at 50% max
End of 6th week

*Too many GHD sit-ups could have a causal effect.

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