Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Before surgery I looked at photos of brave women who posted their chest photos on the internet to make sure I (and my husband) would be prepared for how I may look afterwards. Not a pretty sight! However a nice husband like mine will tell you that it is much better to have you well without breasts than for you not to be there.

Reality check: after surgery I looked down my chest and thought: "I am going to like this."  I could move my shoulders, had good balance when getting up, and had a "leaner" look from the side. Love it! Many athletes don't have large breasts anyway, so I will fit right in.  Actually, most people don't notice anyway.

The first time after mastectomy meeting my friends they did look at my chest at least once. Curiosity. I would be, too. I was waiting for it.  I did think about confusing them by wearing a  breast form that comes with the postop camisole. But I will save that for my male colleagues when I get back to the office.

It is such a delightful thought that I don't have to wear bras anymore. For special occasions there are breast forms ("props"). Time will tell.

There are suggestions on the internet about clothing for the new you:

  • colorful, swirly designs, busy patterns
  • darker colors
  • scarves
  • vests or blazers
  • jewelry and ornaments

Women choosing no reconstruction http://breastfree.org  or http://www.flatandfabulous.org

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