TOTAL core about 1.5 hours
TOTAL cardio about 1 hour
TOTAL weightlifting training about 6 hours
This is week 6-7 post surgery.
Not included in the daily summary, usually in the evenings: restorative yoga (legs up the wall, supported backbend, supported child pose, stretches), PVC pipe work (Burgener warm-up, pull positions)
May 29 (Sunday): about 1.5 hours
Cardio: 30 minutes cycling with speed intervals, 10 min rowing
Strength: 10 box jumps, 20 min isolated arm muscles
May 30 (Monday): about 1 hour
Cardio: 20 minutes cycling with speed intervals
Strength: 20 min isolated arm muscles, 20kg bar good mornings, pulls
isolated leg muscles
May 31 (Tuesday): 2 hours + 20 min
Core: 20 min Pilates
Strength: skill session on snatch including warm-up
June 1 (Wednesday): 30min
Core: Pilates
Strength: isolated arm muscles
June 2 (Thursday): 2 hours + 1 hour
Tai Chi (1 hour)
Strength: weightlifting training including snatches (total 41), front squats (total 15)
June 3 (Friday): 2 hours
Strength: weightlifting training including clean & jerk (total 34) and front squats (total 25)
June 4 (Saturday): 1 hour
Core: Pilates
Since it added up to a lot, my weightlifting coach suggested to return to the training plan and possibly reduce weight and/or reps. This should make for a more balanced weightlifting training. Starting next week. This is about 3 weeks sooner than I thought I could. I am delighted!
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