The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (
NCCIH) is a great resource to explore approaches and check on latest research. As of 2015 Congress has renamed NCCAM (including "alternative medicine") to NCCIH due to "alternative medicine" being uncommon. There is confusion about these terms, and NCCIH has defined them here:
- If a non-mainstream practice is used together with conventional medicine, it’s considered “complementary.”
- If a non-mainstream practice is used in place of conventional medicine, it’s considered “alternative.”
What are complementary approaches and how popular are they?
There are two subgroups: Natural products and Mind and body practices.
Among US adults in 2012, the 10 most common approaches were:
17.7% Natural products (herbs, vitamins, minerals, probiotics)
10.9% Deep breathing
10.1% Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qigong
8.4% Chiropractic manipulation
8.0% Meditation
6.9% Massage
3.0% Special Diets
2.2% Homeopathy
2.1% Progressive relaxation
1.7% Guided imagery
It is surprising that with these categories exercise is not one of them, and makes me wonder how exercise for health reasons would rank compared to these.
As of May 30, 2016 I have experience with (length of time practicing/using it):
Yoga* (32 years)
Meditation and Reiki (12 years)
Pilates (12 years)
Chiropractic care (1 year, regularly, previous 8 years as needed)
Vitamins (D3 and B12) (5 months)
Acupuncture (2 months)
Tai chi (3 weeks)
Other things I did at some point:
Autogenes Training, duration 1 year, 30 years ago
Alexander Technique, duration 6 months, 6 years ago
Massage, about 2x per year
* This includes deep breathing
Although some of my practices, yoga, Reiki, meditation, are labeled "complementary approaches", they are regular routines and in my view are part of healthy living, same as exercise, so "complementary" does not seem the correct term.