Thursday, June 9, 2016

Do-it-yourself Reiki

A mindfulness practice reduces much stress and anxiety that arises with a breast cancer diagnosis, allows you  to sail through appointments and treatments, and helps you to better deal with hiccups that are sure to come. Best of all, you don't have to be anywhere specific, or have somebody else do it for you, you can do it yourself - anytime!

There are five elements of Reiki: Precepts, meditation practices, hands-on-healing, symbols and mantras, and reiju attunements. Much can be said about each of these elements. Healing starts with our heart and mind. This is embodied in the precepts that are a good starting point as well as an integral part of continued practice of Reiki:

For Today only
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be grateful
Be true to your way and your true self
Be compassionate to yourself and others

By contemplating each one, we can delve into what it really means. As we become more familiar it gets easier to recall these precepts at a moment when we become stressed to help us return to a more balanced state of mind.

More details, further references can be found here: chanting the precepts

There are excellent resources about the Japanese system of Reiki, e.g.

I am very grateful to be able to continue studying with my teacher Frans Stiene. 

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