In summary:
- My technique has improved, I can squat deeper, my overall strength is good, comparable to pre-surgery or better.
- After about 4 months the proprioceptive sense adjusted to my new physique.
- However I am not able to lift as much as before surgery in either the snatch or the clean & jerk which are whole body movements.
My theory: The strength differential between right and left could be due to nerves (numbness) or scar tissue weakness (longer scar on that side).
Even with these post-surgical weaknesses I am seeing improvements across 2 week time frames.
Exercises to strengthen shoulders and arms that do not effect swelling as much are vertical presses, such as behind the neck press or shoulder press. Hanging from a rack is useful, too.
During a training session increases in small increments can lead to success at a maximum weight, but having too large jumps can result in failure at the same weight (2kg increases instead of 5kg). "Lighter" weights may not challenge the muscles enough to withstand the strain during heavy lifts, so weights where I can only do 5-6 repetitions in the press exercises seem appropriate.
A massage of the affected area and around the shoulders may help.
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