Thursday, August 18, 2016

Self manual lymph drainage (MLD) for arm

Lymph massage requires gentle pressure that does not involve muscles. A "stroke" is a circular movement that stretches the skin without the hand sliding, and then the pressure is released, and the hand is moved to the next starting position.

This can be done twice a day, e.g. mornings and evenings (about 10 minutes). The description is for a seated position.

Each stroke is repeated 5-7 times, usually by the hand of the unaffected side.

Step 1: Activate the lymph drainage in neck, under arm, and in groin.
1. Place hand with fingers at collarbone, so that pressure is directed toward the neck.
2. Place hand of the affected arm with fingers directly under the axial of the unaffected arm, the pressure is directed downward.
3. Place hand of the affected arm on thigh with fingers point toward the groin. Circular movements with pressure towards the belly.

Step 2: Redirect lymph flow from affected to unaffected axilla
4. Use hand of unaffected arm and softly stroke with from affected armpit to the other side.
5. Place hand on chest and use circular movements from one side to the other in several placements

Step 3: redirect lymph flow from axilla to groin
6. Lift affected arm and place hand behind head. Use unaffected arm to make circles form armpit to groin in several placements

Step 4: redirect lymph flow from forearm to shoulder
7. Place arm on pillow. Soft stokes covering the entire arm from back of hand to shoulders directing towards the neck
8. Lift arm to side and sue hand to stroke from inside upper arm to outside
9. Place arm on pillow and turn palm of hand upward. Use circular motion towards the upper arm.
10. Repeat outside portion of arm (#7)

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