Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The day of the surgery

This is the day of the surgery. My husband and I check in at the hospital at 6:30am, and I am a little nervous. Peppermint oil is fantastic to relieve nausea symptoms. There is dye to be administered and then I have to leave my husband behind as I am wheeled in the OR. The Reiki meditation Joshin Kokyo Ho is very, very helpful for relaxing and even napping in the pre-op room during the weight.  I greatly appreciate the surgeon telling me he will do reverse mapping to alleviate my fears of lymphedema. At noon the team wheels me into the OR, I move to the OR table, chat a little. There are so many times when you have to say your name, birthdate, and your understanding of what will be done. And then …….nothing …... until someone is in my face asking me how I feel. A crane heaves me into a hospital bed.  Next thing I know I am in a hospital room and am so happy to see my husband! The clock shows I have lost 6 hours.  I am shocked at how much time has elapsed. A little chatting, asking how my husband’s day was, and asking him to put my little barbell good luck charm on the table for me to see. Then it is time for more sleep.

When my son was little he desperately wanted to be picked up by an ambulance (with sirens) and was quite offended that his "injuries" didn't warrant calling calling one.  And now I experience the workflow of a hospital from a patient's perspective when usually I just analyze clinical data for work.  Fascinating.

At the beginning of the day:

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