Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cancer Care Bag

A girl scout group is designing a cancer "care" bag for anyone going through cancer treatment.  This is such a delightful idea. Cancer treatments  are at different stages: surgery, chemo, radiation, hormone therapy, side effects of any of these. To keep it generic here are feel-good suggestions:
  1. a fun (self made?) tote bag with some of these:
  2. peppermint essential oil
  3. 4 fl.oz of massage oil, e.g. apricot kernel oil, almond oil, coconut oil 
  4. eye pillow with lavender scent 
  5. CD with relaxing music
  6. a journal and pens/pencils
  7. stress toy
  8. a fancy scarf
  9. IOY for cooked meals, shopping, cleaning, mowing, etc...
  10. gift card for Amazon or iTunes  

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